In the "Account" - "Orders" section you can see all your orders and their statuses.
Clicking Order # XXX, you can see your order in details.
Order Contents - the list of ordered items and below the total cost of the order.
Order Details - order status, creation date, total amount, method of payment.
Ship To - delivery address
Bill To - payer address
Actions - an available option Reorder. Allows you to re-order all items or selected by you from the order being viewed.
The statuses of your order can have the following values:
Awaiting Payment - customer has completed the checkout process, but payment has still to be confirmed.
Awaiting Fulfillment - customer has completed the checkout process and payment has been confirmed. The deadline for receipt of payment by bank transfer is 2 business days, with payment by card - from 1 hour.
Awaiting Pickup — order has been packaged and is awaiting customer pickup at our office.
Office address
JSC "TS Centras"
Metalo st. 10
Vilnius, LT-02190
Monday - Friday, 8.30 to 17.30 (Eastern European Time - EET, GMT+02.00)
Shipped - order has been shipped, but receipt has not been confirmed.
Partially Shipped - only some items in the order have been shipped, due to some products being pre-order only or by other reasons.
After sending the order the client receives a notification letter and tracking number of the shipment.
We use TNT delivery services. TNT tracking number of the shipments will look like BB123456789DD.
The tracking number can also be seen in Account - Orders section when entering the order with status Shipped or Partially Shipped
Completed — order has been shipped/picked up, and receipt is confirmed
Cancelled — seller has canceled an order, due to a stock inconsistency or by other reasons.